scope of public finance may be summarized as under:
1. Public Revenue:
Public revenue concentrates on the methods of raising public revenue, the
principles of taxation and its problems. In other words, all kinds of income
from tax and assessment revenue into tax fees and assessment, etc.
2. Public Expenditure: In this part of finance we study the principle and problem relating to
the expenditure of public funds. This part studies the fundamental principles
that govern the flow of government funds into various streams.
3. Public Debt:
In this section of public finance, we study the problem of raising loans. The
short-fall in its traditional income. The loan raised by the government in a
particular year in the part of receipt of the public authority.
4. Financial Distribution: Now comes the problem of organization and administration of
the financial mechanism of the government. In other words, under financial or
fiscal administration, we are concerned with the government machinery which is
responsible for performing various function of the state.
5. Economic Stabilization: Now a day’s economics stabilization and growth are the two
aspect of the government economic policy which a significant place in the
discussion on policy finance theory. This part described the various economic
policies and other measures of the government to bring about economic stability
in the country.
NOTE: From the
discussion, we can say that the subject matters of the public is not static,
but dynamic which is continuously widening with the change in the concept of
state and functions of the state. As the economic and social responsibilities
of the states and increasing day by day, the method and techniques of raising
public income, public expenditure and public borrowings are also changing. In
view of the changed circumstance. It has given more responsibilities in the
social and economic field.
1. Steady state economic growth: Government finance is important to achieve sustainable high
economic growth rate. The government uses the fiscal tools in order to bring
increase in both aggregate demand and aggregate supply. The tools are taxes,
public debt, and public expenditure and so on.
2. Price stability: The
government uses the public finance in order to overcome form inflation and
deflation. During inflation it reduces the indirect taxes and genera
expenditures but increases direct taxes and capital expenditure. It collects
internal public debt and mobilizes for investment. In case of deflation, the
policy is just reversed.
3. Economic stability: The government uses the fiscal tools to stabilize the economy. During prosperity, the government imposes more tax and raises the internal public debt. The amount is used to repay foreign debt and invention. The internal expenditures are reduced. During recession, the case is just reversed.
3. Economic stability: The government uses the fiscal tools to stabilize the economy. During prosperity, the government imposes more tax and raises the internal public debt. The amount is used to repay foreign debt and invention. The internal expenditures are reduced. During recession, the case is just reversed.
4. Equitable distribution:
The government uses
the revenues and expenditures of itself in order to reduce inequality. If there
is high disparity it imposes more taxes on income, profit and properties of
rich people and on the goods they consume. The money collected is used for the
benefit of poor people through subsidies, allowance, and other types of direct
and indirect benefits to them.
5. Proper allocation of resources:
The government
finance is important for proper utilization of natural, manmade and human
resources. For it, on the production and sales of less desirable goods, the
government imposes more taxes and provides subsidies or imposes taxes lightly
on more desirable goods.
6. Balanced development:
The government uses
the revenues and expenditures in order to erase the gap between urban and rural
and agricultural and industrial sectors. For it, the government allocates the
budget for infrastructural development in rural areas and direct economic
benefits to the rural people.
Promotion of export:
The government
promotes the export imposing less tax or exempting form the taxes or providing
subsidies to the export oriented goods. It may supply the inputs at the
subsidized prices. It imposes more taxes on imports and so on.
8. Infrastructural development:
The government
collects revenues and spends for the construction of infrastructures. It has to
keep peace, justice and security too. It has to bring socio-economic
reformation too. For all these things it uses the revenues and expenditures as
fiscal tools.
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